SNIFFER is learning to distinguish a dog from a human

SNIFFER is learning to distinguish a dog from a human

On the second day of the small scale field test in Chambéry at SDIS73’s (Service Départemental d’Incendie et de Secours de la Savoie), SNIFFER was learning to distinguish a dog from a human.

The main objectives of the small scale field test is to assess the capabilities of Sniffer sub-module V0 in field conditions (influence of rain, smoke, wind, type of debris, on chemical measurements) – detection of alive humans and deceased (simulants) according to field conditions, distance from source. More information to follow.


SNIFFER small scale field test held in Chambery on 16-17 September 2020

SNIFFER small scale field test held in Chambery on 16-17 September 2020

A small scale field test to assess the capabilities of the SNIFFER sub-module is held in Chambéry, France on 16-17 September 2020 at SDIS73’s (Service Départemental d’Incendie et de Secours de la Savoie) facilities.

The main objectives are to assess the capabilities of Sniffer sub-module V0 in field conditions (influence of rain, smoke, wind, type of debris, on chemical measurements) – detection of alive humans and deceased (simulants) according to field conditions, distance from source. Stay tuned for more information.

Second CURSOR virtual GA meeting reveals great cooperation & nice results

Second CURSOR virtual GA meeting reveals great cooperation & nice results

The second CURSOR General Assembly meeting was held from 10-11th September 2020. As the current Covid-19 also impacts the consortium no physical meeting was possible and a virtual meeting was held over two days.

It was a great meeting with participants all over Europe and Japan who presented their results. A lot of progress was made so far and the project is looking forward to the next period maintaining its good team spirit.


Ground penetrating radar and GPR drone tested on 26.8.2020 in Austria

Ground penetrating radar and GPR drone tested on 26.8.2020 in Austria

The second day of the CURSOR first field trial for the fleet of drones in a military exercise in Felixdorf was succesfully closed. The CURSOR  project partner ISCC  was conducting the test of drones in the field conduction. On the second day the Ground penetrating radar (GPR) and GPR drone were tested. First responders were participating in the exercise to observe the usability of the technology in USAR missions. Stay tuned for more information.