First Responders Board (FRB)
To gather the feedback of FRs not only through project partners but also through external FRs and related policy makers, CURSOR has set up a First Responders Board (FRB) advising to the project during its lifetime and providing feedback to the proposed solutions and contribute to the assessment of the use cases and trials conducted. The FRB will closely interact with the other consortium members, contributing its expertise and experience to the test and validation processes. The FRB will guide the CURSOR research and development activities from the practitioner perspective and will act as an advisor board and hopefully early adopters and public supporters of the solution. The board will be involved in FRs workshops, project meetings on a need to basis and in the validation process of the CURSOR SaR Kit and its components.
The FRB consists of highly experienced and known European and international USaR practitioners:

- Winston Chang – INSARAG Secretariat
- Randal Bittinger – USaR US, Fairfax County, VA, Virginia Task Force 1 International Urban Search and Rescue
- Marco Boulogne – USaR Netherlands team
- Massimo Lanfranco – Regione Liguria
- Hisanori Amano – NFRID, Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan
- Uwe Kippnich, Bavarian Red Cross