The impact

Meeting the set out objectives, the CURSOR SaR Kit and its individual components will have a significant impact on the efficiency of first responders operations during the 72 golden hours by increasing the effectiveness of detecting and locating trapped victims, creating better coordination of the rescue operations, and enhancing the chance of recovering more live human out of the disaster area.

We foresee greater impact in few domains:

Time reduction for detection and rescue

Reducing the time for detection and localisation of live victims during the golden hours while creating a common and highly detailed operational picture enabling a founded based decision making in management of SaR missions. All of the above while providing an easy to operate, mobile and fast deployable solution that can be also integrated with existing tools used by the teams on site.

First responders risk reduction

Reducing the risks for operator by raising the Situational Awareness and increasing remote and automated capabilities with less human intervention facilitated by the use of multiple unmanned platforms carrying sensors, localisation and communications technologies.

Innovative tools & technologies development

Development of new tools, operational methods and technologies for first responders which are developed, and field validated with the end users in near real life scenarios. Securing better fit of the solution to the first reponders needs and higher acceptance of the CURSOR SaR Kit in the field.

Development of training and field validation methods

New knowledge about training and field validation processes throughout the testing of new technologies as part of the project. New training methods and material will be developed throughout the project by the technical partners hand in hand with the practitioners and tested during the Field Trials. Technology validation process of both operational and technical aspects will be developed and tested during the different stages to ensure that technology meets the required benchmarks and fits to the needs of the first responders.

Standardisation development

Improving existing standards and development of new ones through initiation standardisation activities. Results from the R&D work carried out in the project together with testing phases will hopefully contribute to the INSARAG SaR guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as well as Standards for USaR teams.

Financial impact

Eventually once commercially deployed the CURSOR SaR Kit is foreseen to reduce the high costs of disasters, increasing the effectiveness of crisis response and SaR operations – saving time and finally also budget while increasing the chances of better utilising the technology and human limited resources to locate and rescue the highest number of live victims out of the disaster area in the fastest time possible.