Small Scale Field Test 2.3, Drone Fleet and Ground Penetrating Radar, 25-28 October 2021, Germany

From October 25- 27 2021 the second field assessment of the CURSOR drone fleet and ground penetrating radar (GPR) took place in Neustadt and der Weinstrasse, Germany on the THW training site.

The main aims of the test were to:

  • provide and evaluate drone fleet and radar training for First Responders
  • test 3D-modelling drones (MSD) with different parameters
  • test functionalities of the technology and tactics in near-mission conditions
  • evaluate the hands-on practice of first responders in terms of tactics and usability.

During the three day, first responders from Germany, Greece and UK had an opportunity to gain hands-on experiences with drone fleet and GPR, it was possible to use the technology in different set-ups and scenarios.

About 30 participants gave relevant input for further technology development, through the test exercise a lot of valuable feedback about tactics and usability was collected. While it was the second field test, it was possible to go more into detail with tactics and testing the technology in realistic conditions.

Since it was the last single component test for the drone fleet, a lot of attention was turned into the training of the first responder. It is relevant preparation for entering the integration phase, where the ground knowledge and skills how to use the drone fleet are very beneficial. The next test will take place in March 2022, with an aim to start with the field integration of the drone fleet and information & communication tools.

Interview about the drone fleet test (in German):