CURSOR’s primary objective is to develop an innovative CURSOR SaR Kit that will be mobile, fast to deploy and easy to operate. The final solution will be a user driven one from start to end including the testing and validation phase. Thus, resulting a customed made system that fits the needs of the USaR teams operating in the field aiming to increase the effectiveness of their work in search and rescue missions and to recover live victims as fast as possible.
Breaking down the overreaching aim, the project has set down a few objectives to follow influencing the solution architecture and development roadmap:

the understanding between first responders and solution providers on the operational needs and requirements during USaR operations

the time needed for deployment of search and rescue personnel and equipment

the time needed for situational assessment during USaR operations

the time needed for onsite disaster response

the protection of first responders’ health and safety during USaR operations

sustainable results after the lifetime of the project adopted by first responders on the field

existing standards and creating new ones out of the lessons learnt collected in the project

training methods and debriefing processes together with the ability to collect lessons learnt and implement the knowledge in future activities